I love my little soap company! This has been a journey like no other. It was pretty accidental too. I started making soap as an outlet during the pandemic and it became a whole life experience.
It has improved myself and my life in so many ways. I am excited to take all the lessons I have learned and share them with others. I am a firm believer that collaboration is better than competition. We all need soap. No one person needs to have a monopoly on soap. It's not reasonable or possible. There is room for all of us to create the best soap out there for the world and to use soap as our creative outlet.
That's honestly what I love about soap the most. It's useful art. It's my attention and passion channeled into something that the world needs. There couldn't be something that suited me more.
I am really excited to have taken the next steps in my business including hiring. We're working through those humps and 2022 is going to be a marvelous year. Part of what I am determined to do in 2022 is share my knowledge and skills with others. I am self-taught. From creating soap to marketing my soap. I have learned a lot of hard lessons and pushed myself through them. We've come out on top with a thriving business and no debt. Let me say it again, no debt.
I want others to understand that it's possible. I want my hard lessons to serve more than just myself. I want my successes to serve more than just myself.
I've created the outline and beginnings of a full year long mentoring program. I am going to share everything I have learned with others. It's hard to feel confident enough to call yourself an expert, but I am putting it out there. I have built this from my own vision, my own way and achieved what it can take years to build in a very short time. It's sustainable, debt free and stable.
Thanks to all of you who are those building blocks. I hope you know that I give my heart and soul to being your maker.
If you have ever wanted to start your own soap, beauty or wellness brand, let's talk about a slot for you in my program.